
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Life Changes and New Revelations.

Life changes and new revelations. 


This blog might be a scattered one but it’s also going to be an honest one. 


How’s CGA so far?

HARD. Everyday I enter the classroom with an open mind and an excitement for a step closer in God’s plans for me… and I exit with a million things to process. We have talked about everything from failure, servant leadership, intimacy with the Lord, pain and more. It’s only middle of week two and we have already covered much more than I anticipated. I leave every day with a million things to process and a million questions to ask God about. Something I am seeing be a true joy in this journey is how my community rallies around each other in the highs and lows and how we come together to process with one another. We all lead and walk with the Lord differently and it’s been a true blessing to be able to have this community to grow with and from. 


What is something that is sticking out to you so far?

I am being challenged to not just dream my dreams for the future, but actually set aside time to put them into action. Instead of just dreaming about future ministry, I am writing out a plan and taking the required steps to meet that plan. Instead of just going to class and coming home, I am going to class and then processing what was said and how to apply it to myself and my future ministries in the future. I am being challenged to not just think, but actually put my thoughts to action.  


What is something you are excited about?

This beginning season of CGA has been HARD but it’s also really helped me to reevaluate my life and really put my thoughts into perspective. I have a vision for the future and I have ideas that are bouncing off my head and it’s going crazy. The amount of opportunities I could pursue after CGA literally makes me not able to sit in my seat. I am literally so excited for what is in the future. I am having to also slow down and focus on HERE AND NOW so that I can fully prepare myself for the future that is yet to come. God has a plan and wow he excites me so much. 


What is a wisdom you are learning? 

That it’s okay to not be okay. I wrote a caption on instagram the other day and I am going to post it below: 

“Let’s be real. I love to be happy and it’s a gift that God has given me. Joy is something I can embrace easily and it’s something that seems to come very naturally to me. I post about joy and I rarely show when times are often actually hard. It’s easier to be happy on social media than it is to be hurting. Today I am hurting. My heart is working through a lot, my mind is working through a lot, and my actions are learning how to show that inward emotion healthily on the outside. I’m learning that it’s okay to not be okay and it’s okay to show that you are not okay. It doesn’t change the fact that I have joy in Jesus Christ or that his promises are good. I can be having a wonderful time and also be struggling with something. It’s possible to believe in what the Lord is teaching you and be THRIVING but also be hurting. As humans we have the capacity to feel a lot all at once and we don’t have to choose to show only a small portion of our inner world to the public. Today I thrived and today I hurt. All in one day I learned a lot, found joy, and I walked through some hurt… and that’s totally okay.”


What is your daily schedule at CGA? 

On Mondays we have class from 9-5 and then house dinners at 6, Tuesdays class is from 8:15-12, Wednesday’s from 7:15-12, Thursday’s from 8:15-12, and Fridays from 8:15-12. After class we all go to our part-time jobs, meet with our disciplers, do our “homework”, set aside time to blog and fundraise, work toward our future goals, and spend time in community with one another. It’s long and tiring days mentally and emotionally… BUT they are wonderful days. 



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Any last thoughts? 

Remove your pride because you can’t grow into leadership or as a healthy human without a humble heart. Remove that longing in your heart to turn to pride and instead push into humility. This is something I’m learning and it’s something I am having to take to the cross every morning before I enter class with my community surrounding me. You are made in Christ’s image and therefore strive to be like him. 


Thanks for reading! Thanks for supporting! If you feel led I am still in need of some financial help! 


I will see you all in my next blog! Have a nice day! 🙂